Podcast: Tales from the SaaS Graveyard
I co-host a podcast called Tales From the SaaS Graveyard with my friend Jake. Here is a link to our LinkTree (opens in a new tab) where you can easily access our episodes on your preferred podcast app. We raised money on Kickstarter (opens in a new tab). We also wrote a blog post about our findings here (opens in a new tab).
Improv Comedy
I started practicing improv in June 2018 at Endgames Improv (opens in a new tab) and have completed their 5-level core curriculum. I also completed Documentary Improv training with Thunderbolt Comedy (opens in a new tab). I most recently have been taking classes at Vermont Comedy Club's Improv Curriculum (opens in a new tab). In 2023 I won "Improv Rookie of the year" at Vermont Comedy Club. One of the teams I'm on, Alice, recently wrapped up a 3 month residency at the Vermont Comedy Club. You can see one of my favorite shows below.
I am a huge fan of old video game graphics. I worked on creating portraits of people, characters, and things into 32 by 32 pixel graphics. If you would like to be pixelized please send me an email for more information.
I start out with a picture of a person or object. I then reduce the image size to 32 by 32 pixels. I then create the border and fill the image with basic colors. The tricky part is focusing on one detail that will make the person recognizable.

Lord of The Rings 16 by 16 pixels
This was a project from a Type + Image class I took at RISD. The goal was to create three 16 by 16 graphics from a fantasy novel.

Honors Weaving Final Project
I wove a 27 foot installation piece for my final weaving project in high school. The piece was inspired by Christo and Jeanne Claude's Valley Curtain (opens in a new tab).